NOTE: This website is obsolete. Nakahara Informatics, Inc. is no longer operational. This website has been preserved for historical interest, essentially as it appeared at the time of the last update (October 22, 2008), and the software available on this website may be used for free. However, there is no warranty of any kind, and these apps no longer work on modern OS X systems. Therefore, this may not be useful, except to historians and tinkerers resurrecting legacy systems.

(picture of vegetable market)

iGet Mobile version history

This page lists the release notes for iGet Mobile, describing the enhancements introduced in each new release. This information is also available in RSS format, from the iGet Mobile Appcast.

iGet Mobile 2.0.1 has been released.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

iGet Mobile 2.0.1 is a maintenance release which addresses several bugs and performance issues discovered since the release of 2.0.

What's new in this version:

  • A new Send Feedback command in the Help menu automatically (optionally) collects system information to help our support staff diagnose and troubleshoot issues.
  • Improved diagnostics and logging.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause the Software Update preferences pane to be unavailable.
  • Fixed two separate problems that could potentially cause an "Internal Server Error" message when starting the iGet Mobile server.
  • Several other minor bug fixes.

iGet Mobile 2.0 introduces a new user interface, new web features, and other enhancements

Monday, May 12, 2008

iGet Mobile 2.0 is a major update, introducing a new user interface for the server application, new features, and a number of fixes and other enhancements. This upgrade is free for all existing iGet Mobile users.

What's new in this version:

  • iGet Mobile's web server component has been significantly upgraded. Changes include:
    • The core web server subsystem now features better performance and greater reliability.
    • The web server logging mechanism has been improved, and the access and error logs are now located in: ~/Library/Logs/iGet Mobile
    • On first starting the server, the initial username/password setup sheet is more informative and helpful.
    • Specific issues have been fixed to address problems starting the server when iGet Mobile is launched as a login item on slower or heavily loaded Macs.

  • The web interface to your Mac, which the iGet Mobile server generates when you connect from an iPhone or web browser, has been improved:
    • The name of the Mac is now reflected in the web interface (page titles, navigation UI, etc.). The default name used is the "Sharing" name of the Mac from System Preferences (e.g., "Naomi's iMac").
    • An icon that visually indicates the type of Mac that iGet Mobile is running on is now reflected in the web interface.
    • iPhone web clipping icons are now supported when saving a link to your Mac to the iPhone's Home screen.
    • The server icon is now also used as the small "favicon" icon that is displayed by most web browsers.
    • Fixed a bug whereby files and folders with names containing certain special characters could not be navigated into or acted upon.
    • Corrected a bug which in rare cases caused icons to display as empty boxes.
    • A number of minor visual improvements have been implemented (better icons, better layout, fixes to HTML/XHTML output standards compliance).

  • The main status window has been redesigned, and is now more informative and attractive, and less cluttered. Changes include:
    • A new large and unambiguous visual indication whether server is running or stopped.
    • The wording and layout of status messages has been improved.
    • The number of visits since the server was started is now shown.
    • The key info groups are better organized: on/off state, URLs, visits, SSL, and email.
    • Other functions are accessible from a new toolbar.
    • The status window can now be closed, if desired (the Dock icon still shows on/off state).

  • The new and more extensive Preferences interface contains many new options. Improvements include:
    • A new Server Name setting allows you to customize the name of the Mac reflected in the web interface.
    • There are new settings for iPhone icon and "favicon", allowing you to use your own image(s) instead of the default icons.
    • The user interface for setting your username and password has been improved, and moved to the new Access Control preference pane.
    • For dynamic DNS users, there is a new setting lets you give iGet Mobile a hint about your preferred hostname for the Mac.
    • The new Software Update preference pane includes a better interface, more information, and the new option to check for pre-release test versions in addition to final releases.
    • The hidden Debug preferences now have their own preference pane. This pane appears if you hold the Option key while opening the Preferences window.

  • The email-related features have been enhanced:
    • The email subsystem now works with even more ISPs and email providers.
    • The interface for setting up email is better, and can provide more helpful suggestions than before.
    • The Test Current Settings feature is easier to use and now displays the transcript of the SMTP session to help debug any problems.
    • The way transient email failures (which might occur when an email server is temporarily down) are reported has been improved and is less intrusive than before.

  • Other general improvements:
    • The new high-resolution icon looks better, and dynamically updates in the Dock to indicates server status.
    • The Dock menu has been improved.
    • The menu layout has been improved, with superfluous items removed.
    • Many other minor enhancements and corrections have been made.

iGet Mobile 1.0.2 improves email functionality and corrects minor issues

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

iGet Mobile 1.0.2 introduces several enhancements to the application's email features, as well as addressing some minor issues discovered since the release of 1.0.1.

What's new in this version:

  • The email settings interface has been overhauled with a better layout and more intuitive defaults, making it more easily understandable for most users.
  • A custom SMTP port can now be specified for sending email.
  • There is now comprehensive email setup documentation in iGet Help (available from the Help menu), including specific setup tutorials for .Mac, Gmail, Yahoo, and typical ISP email accounts.
  • When setting up email, less user input is required for common configurations.
  • The Send Test Email feature has been improved.
  • When email cannot be sent (e.g., because the mail server address entered is not correct), the informational content of the error message displayed has been improved.
  • Fixed several minor memory leaks that could occur when sending email.
  • Worked around certain email server issues specific to Yahoo Plus email accounts.
  • Improved certain status messages displayed in the main window.

iGet Mobile 1.0.1 fixes crashing bug when saving email settings with some types of server

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

iGet Mobile 1.0.1 is a quick follow-up release that fixes one critical bug in version 1.0, whereby the application could crash when saving email settings in certain circumstances. Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when saving email settings, if the settings pertained to an SMTP server that did not use any form of authentication (authentication type "None").

What's new in this version:

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when saving email settings, if the settings pertained to an SMTP server that did not use any form of authentication (authentication type "None").

iGet Mobile 1.0 enables remote Mac access from iPhone, iPod Touch, Windows PCs, and more

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

iGet Mobile 1.0 has been released! This is the first official release of the product.

What's new in this version:

  • Everything! Since this is the first release, everything is new. We hope you enjoy it!