NOTE: This website is obsolete. Nakahara Informatics, Inc. is no longer operational. This website has been preserved for historical interest, essentially as it appeared at the time of the last update (October 22, 2008), and the software available on this website may be used for free. However, there is no warranty of any kind, and these apps no longer work on modern OS X systems. Therefore, this may not be useful, except to historians and tinkerers resurrecting legacy systems.
NOTE: This press release was issued by iGet's original developer, Five Speed Software, Inc. It is reproduced here for historical interest. Nakahara Informatics acquired iGet as of version 2.5.5, and has been the software's developer and publisher since that time.
RENO, Nevada — November 14, 2006 — Five Speed Software, Inc. today announced the immediate availability of version 2.5 of iGet™, the Mac file transfer tool. This update is free, and is recommended for all iGet users.
Along with improved performance and several bug fixes, iGet 2.5 delivers a redesigned New Connection window, a brand new interface for maintaining the favorite connections list, and support for public key authentication using OpenSSH key files.
"These new features, particularly the new authentication features, are the direct result of working closely with our customers," said iGet engineering manager Ethan Tuttle. "Because iGet already solves some of the same security issues, we didn't intially prioritize supporting key-based authentication. But our customers told us that they needed it anyway—they might be using other SSH-based software in addition to iGet, or they might have an upstream IT manager making policy decisions that prohibit password authentication. We listened, and today we're happy to deliver support for public key authentication in iGet 2.5."
iGet 2.5 is available immediately, from the company's web site:
Complete release notes are also available. iGet will run in full-featured demo mode for users wishing to try it out.
iGet is a modern and Mac-specific file transfer tool, designed to replace more limited cross-platform tools like FTP, SFTP, or dedicated file servers. iGet provides complete support for all the file features that Mac users expect (and other platforms don't support or need), without needing to install or set up any server software. Resource forks, HFS metadata, custom Mac icons, packages, aliases, Unicode file names, remote Spotlight searching, etc. are all supported. With an elegantly efficient Mac interface, iGet allows users to quickly locate and move files from Mac to Mac. At the same time, its innovative "zero-setup" design allows the user to connect to any machine running Mac OS X 10.3 or higher, without having to install special software (not even iGet) on the remote Mac. All the user needs is a copy of iGet on her own Mac.
iGet began shipping as a Universal Binary before Intel-based Macs became available, so it has offered native performance on both Intel- and PowerPC-based Macs from day one.
iGet requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later. iGet can connect to Macs running Mac OS X 10.3 or later.
iGet 2.5 is available immediately from the company's web site, at It is priced at $49.95, with significant discounts available for multi-seat licenses. The update is free to all users who have purchased a license for any version of iGet.
Educational discounts and site license pricing are also available.
For more information, please visit the company's Web site at, send email to, or call (888) 550-0505.
Five Speed helped redefine the boundaries of handheld computing in the 1990s with its award-winning line of software for the Newton OS. The company engineers custom software solutions for clients across Europe and Japan, and returned to the consumer market in 2004 with iGet for Mac OS X. Five Speed Software, Inc. is a privately held Nevada corporation.
Nakahara Informatics, the Nakahara Informatics logo, and iGet are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nakahara Informatics, Inc. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.